April 7th, 2008 by admin

Steinlager Shaka Long Series Results From Sunset
April 7th, 2008
Sunset Beach, Hawaii
The Steinlager Shaka Longboard Series was completed this past weekend in some wild and wind blown surf at Sunset Beach with wave heights reaching twelve foot faces at times.
Continue reading ‘Steinlager Series, Auwae Wins SUP As Kalama Takes Pro Longboard’
April 4th, 2008 by evan

Press release: The Steinlager Shaka Longboard Series Opens Up This Weekend At Sunset
The Steinlager Shaka Longboard Series starts off it’s season of five events this weekend at Sunset Beach where surf is expected to be in the eight foot face range. Over 120 competitors should make for a highly competitive event with many of the top longboarders and standup paddle surfers on Oahu here for the event. Continue reading ‘The Steinlager Shaka Longboard Series Opens Up This Weekend At Sunset’
April 4th, 2008 by evan

Check out this article from today’s Advertiser on Reid Inouye and Leleo Kinimaka stand up paddling along the lava flow on the Big Island. That looks pretty crazy. Looks like a big old school Hawaiian hot tub. Continue reading ‘Stand Up Paddling near Lava – Article and Pics’
April 1st, 2008 by evan

It’s pretty amazing to me how many paddle options there are now. Along with the stock paddles, I’ve been tinkering with shapes and sizes I like. Here’s what I have currently. I also have some Leleo Kinimaka wood paddles but those are with other people currently.
Continue reading ‘Stand Up Paddle Quiver’