November 30th, 2010 by davi

Dear Friends,
Thank you again for participating in our SUP clinics/demo days. This is just a reminder that our next clinic/demo is coming up on this Saturday the 4th, 8am to 10am at Ala Moana.
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November 28th, 2010 by evan

Todd Bradley sent us some clips of him riding the C4 12′6″ “Switchblade” stand up paddle board. The video is a bit long but it gives different angles of how the board performs in light winds. I’ve tried this board myself in surf and really liked it. I like the glide and in small waves the nose allows an easier re-entry into the reform of the wave. This makes catching small waves fun because of the challenge to carry the longest ride possible by connecting small bumps, similar to a downwinder. I have yet to try this on a Hawaii Kai run.
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November 22nd, 2010 by evan

Planet Sun has some of the best UV protection products out on the market. I personally own and use the Sunphibian Polarized Sunglasses which is great on and off the water. The sun umbrellas are handy when I’m at my kid’s baseball, soccer and when sitting at a hot football game. Planet Sun UV-blocking travel umbrella. I got introduced to Planet Sun at the Ocean Expo we had on Oahu. John, the founder, was promoting his line of sun protection and it caught my eye. I picked up a bunch of stuff to test out and really liked it.
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November 17th, 2010 by davi

Surftech Stand Up Paddle Academy Set to Launch
Nov 17 , 2010 (Santa Cruz, CA) – Surftech, the world’s largest manufacturer of surfboards and stand up paddleboards aspires to “set the international standard for SUP instruction and fitness programs” explains recently appointed director Bodie Shandro.
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November 16th, 2010 by evan

Robert Stehlik sent us this video of the Blue Planet Surf SUP Clinic and Demo Day which was held last Nov. 6, 2010. The highlights of that day were Board Design Clinics with John Amundson and Kevin Seid. There was also a short paddling clinic with Jeff Chang and Robert Stehlik. I was there and definitely think people got some good info. Robert’s friend Fabrice shot and edited the video below.
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November 13th, 2010 by evan

I first met Brian Szysmanski at the 2009 Battle of the Paddle in Dana Point but at that time the Starboard boards were under development and I couldn’t show off the prototypes. I had a chance to reconnect with Brian at the 2010 Battle of the Paddle Hawaii. These Starboard race boards have been out for a while now I got a chance to video a detailed overview of the boards from Brian himself.
Continue reading ‘Starboard “Surf Race” and “The NEW” 12′6″ SUP Race Boards with Brian Szysmanski, Connor Baxter and Zane Schweitzer’
November 9th, 2010 by davi

Makaha- the mojo here is heavier than the water off her shores. A revered epicenter of waterman culture that has nurtured many modern day Ocean Sport legends, and site of the 2010 OXBOW ASP Long World Championships. A very special place, and very special day for the family DeSoto.
Continue reading ‘Planet Sun Sport Report Duane Desoto Long Board Surfing World Champion NOV 9 2010′
November 8th, 2010 by evan

Denise Darval-Chang, an avid paddler just started a new shuttle service for the island of Oahu, Hawaii. So far it’s just for Hawaii Kai to Kaimana downwinders. Here’s some info below and an example of her schedule. There’s supposed to be something on facebook but I couldn’t find it. Her contact info is below too. I haven’t had a chance to try it yet but plan to do so soon. This is great for the sport so please support her by using this service.
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November 4th, 2010 by evan

I visited Blue Planet Surf’s shop and Robert Stehlik suggested I try the Amundson 12′6″ stand up paddle board. He thought I might like it because it has enough volume to float 200+ lbs people comfortably and it surfs small waves really well and he was right. The board also has a displacement type nose so it has a nice glide and the rocker is low, making it perfect for small wave conditions. The tail is fairly wide and thick so it doesn’t sink too much when I step on it to turn. The wide tail helps for the stability and the sharp rails really help to turn the board no matter where you’re standing on it. The board is also fairly light. I demoed this board in small waves and light winds and really liked it.
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November 2nd, 2010 by davi

Boardworks Hawaii brings you free clinics and board demos with safety, board design, advanced paddle technique clinics and a introduction to SUP for first timers. Try our demo fleet for free, learn at the clinics and get advice. Demo boards by C4 Waterman, Paddle Surf Hawaii, Dennis Pang, Rusty, Boardworks, Amundson and more, including SUP race boards.
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