Connecting the Downwinder Bumps


If you spend time at then you’ve probably seen posts by Rambo from I was watching this video and it gave me a first person view of exactly what the feeling is like to connect open ocean waves (bumps). You’ll see in Rambo’s video how he turns his OC-1 canoe to line up and catch the next bump. This is what people are always talking about and the super fun part of downwinders that I enjoy.

(click thumbnail to launch video)

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2 Responses to “Connecting the Downwinder Bumps”

  1. Rambo 1Rambo

    There’s quite a few others in the Locker as well, just search for Moffats or downwind run.

    Cheers Rambo

  2. Evan Leong 2evan

    Rambo – Which ones are your favorites?

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