Surfer Spirit Fundraiser Event at Target Kapolei

WE’RE STOKED! Target is helping kids catch waves to college!
The Surfer Spirit Fundraiser event at Target Kapolei
Come and get your cool surf T-shirts and stickers designed by
Hawaii’s at-risk and vulnerable youth.
Proceeds to support an innovative surf program
that gets troubled youth into college.
Honolulu (Kapolei) Target Store – Sunday, September 20, 2009 – 11am- 22pm
Target Kapolei launches the Surfer Spirit store in its Kapolei store, fresh on the heels of a similar event at the Salt Lake store. To date, Target has sold over 250 Surfer Spirit T-shirts, stickers and books to help at-risk youth learn to surf their way to college.
As part of it’s ongoing commitment to Hawaii’s youth, Target is generously donating a portion of all proceeds from Surfer Spirit merchandise to support a two unique surf and education programs; The Surfrider Spirit Sessions and NALU Studies.
These programs take at-risk youth surfing to get them stoked on life, learning and overcoming challenges…. and ultimately it gets them into college. The programs also help students gain practical work experience, including t-shirt designing and basic event marketing.
The Hawai‘i Family Court system and other support organizations direct teens to the
programs where they meet cool surf mentors, learn how to surf, come to love the ocean, and begin to make better life choices. And when they get stoked on life and learning, we teach them marine biology and help them earn a college credit in the University of Hawai‘i System. After just one year, we’ve taken over 30 kids surfing, and 19 have turned their stoke into college credit!
Students will be at the Kapolei Store, distributing free bookmarks, signing t-shirts, stickers, and copies of “The Surfer Spirit” book as part of the launch event. Author of the Surfer Spirit Book and creator of The Surfer Spirit Program, Cynthia Y.H. Derosier, will also be present to sign books. Each of the student t-shirt designers have earned a college credit, while still in high school and/or alternative education programs. Instead of dropping out of school, our kids are dropping into a healthy and happy community of productive and successful young leaders. That’s the power of the Surfer Spirit!
Join us in keeping the spirit alive. Get on board, buy some cool surfer stuff, help some kids and stay STOKED!
Recent Awards:
2009, The Surfrider Spirit Sessions and NALU Studies program (Nominated jointly as He’e Nalu Learning Center) received the Ola Pono Award for excellence in promoting safe, healthy, and drug-free lifestyles from the U.S. Department of Education, Safe and Drug-Free Schools and Communities Program and the Coalition for a Drug-Free Hawai‘i.
The Surfer Spirit book: 2008 Indie Excellence Award Finalist in two categories (Photography and Coffee Table book)
Cynthia Y.H. Derosier,
Executive Director
He`e Nalu Learning Center
C: 389-2474
Manning S. Taite III,
Director of Academics
He`e Nalu Learning Center
c: 398-2088
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