SUP Surfers Manila Givesback to Ketsana Storm Victims


In a follow-up post on the Manila SUP Stand Up Paddlers Help Flood Victims, I would like to commend the efforts of the Manila Surfers Association and Aloha Boardsports, for taking the initiative to brave the murky waters of Angono, Rizal, and help in the relief operations of people affected by typhoon “Ondoy” (Ketsana storm).

The videos would speak of how the team started and went on with their relief operations in the flooded area.

(click thumbnail to launch video)

ondoy-fury Raging water submerging houses and the bridge

Paddling through the mud-coated floodwater to deliver goods to households which rubber boats and amphibian boats can not reach was not easy. During Ketsana’s rage, 455 millimeters of rain in 24 hours was dumped in the Philippines, compared to the 250 millimeters of rain that Hurricane Katrina brought to New Orleans, USA in 2005. Hundreds died and thousands were left homeless.

adphoto-on-ondoy-2 Buendia Ave., Makati, one of the major roads in Manila

adphoto-on-ondoy-3 Alternative transport – water basin

The Manila SUP team did a great job with this one and I’m pretty sure that if the whole SUP world was there to lend a hand, relief efforts would have been amazing. Perhaps they could have paddled through the rapids, against the tide to rescue people stranded on house roofs.

(click thumbnail to launch video)

adphoto-on-ondoy-6 Rescue teams on life rafts transporting people to safer grounds

But a lot could still be done to reach out and help in the aftermath. Stand up paddling for a cause: help bring relief goods, transport people to safer grounds or do clean-up operations.

adphoto-on-ondoy-7 People fleeing the waist-deep to chest-deep flood

adphoto-on-ondoy-9 Ginger, a Labrador Retriever, on a prototype board, tired from helping move photography equipment to a safer ground

The road to recovery is long. It is never too late to stand up paddle, to help and save lives.

Photos courtesy of John Chua of Adphoto, Inc. and videos courtesy of Aloha Boardsports.

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