Deals on Stand Up Paddle Gear at Wet Feet Hawaii – Value Pack Video


Wet Feet Hawaii Stand Up Paddle Surf Store

Here’s a deal from Wet Feet…deck pad, fin, leash and $50 off a paddle for only $125. This is something worth considering especially for beginners.

What’s better is that the board can be customized through a wide choice of their deck pads, fins and leashes.

(click thumbnail to launch video)

Wet Feet: Things that we really take pride is that we have what we call a value pack in the store for all of our stand up boards. You can either buy the boards as the board itself or we have a value pack where it includes deck pad, fin and leash and it’s only 125 dollars more for deck pad, fin, and leash – and that is a 250 dollar value. So it’s kind of cool because when they buy the board they can pick whatever deck pad they want to customize it to their look. They can pick whatever fin they want from our huge fin selection. They can pick performance fin, classic fin, squirrel fin. So they can pick any fin that they want. They can pick their leash. We have your standard leashes and we also have these new, these are 12 and 14-foot coil leashes and it’s interesting because we’re just giving these a try and they’re stretched to 12 and 14 feet but they don’t have all the drag that a really long 12-foot leach would have. So these are kind of cool. It’s a new thing that we’re giving a whirl to. The other thing that we do to get your board customized is with the deck pad, you can pick any deck pad you want, Wet Feet. We got a lot of other deck pads and then we will custom cut out the deck pad so that you can select your kick pad and inset it.

Evan: Do you have an example?

Wet Feet: We have an example. It’s not here. No, we don’t have an example. But it would be like…

Evan: I saw Doug’s one.

Wet Feet: Yeah, like Doug’s would be the example. So we have a huge selection of deck pads that you can choose from. You can pick whatever deck pad that you want off the wall. We’ll inset that into your stand up deck pad so that that way you can customize it that way. Some of the other things, a lot of people, some of the boards are big and heavy or they’ve got family, they’ve got kids, we have these custom handles. We’re the only ones who carry these. These are custom made for us and we put these on your boards. So we got the handles that we put on to the boards. You don’t have to have handle holes in your boards. Some of the boards have already handle holes where you just screw this down. That’s cool. But we have these handle insets where you stick them on your board and then from there you can screw your handles on. So that’s really cool. That has been a really popular – people put them up on tops so their kids can hang on or they put them anywhere they want to tie stuff down for fishing, or for carrying their board wherever they case may be. The other thing we do, which is great, when you get a paddle, as part of our value package, you get deck pad, fin, leash for $125 plus we take 50 dollars off of a paddle – the price of a paddle when you buy a paddle at the time you buy a board. And with the paddle, we have this paddle guard that we put on to protect your paddle and it also helps protect your board so that that way you don’t ding up your board. In addition to the paddle blade guard, we use a very thing, clear grip kind of a deck and what we use with this is two things; we use this either to put on your paddle as a paddle grip, which is nice because it is not fixed so it doesn’t undermine the dimension of your hold. Some paddle grips are a little bit thick so you don’t have. It gets a little too fit. But this, we put on, and its actually clear, and put it on as a paddle and what we also do is on the boards like this one for example, we put the clear protection on the side of the boards so you can’t see it, it’s clear, but it protects your board from dings and nicks when you’re paddling so that that way you don’t ding and damage your board. So all of our demo boards here, because it goes through a lot of activity, we put the rail guards on to that to help protect your board. So those are some of the thigns we do to customize your board and to help protect your board so that that way it can last you a long long time.

icon for podpress  Deals on Stand Up Paddle Gear at Wet Feet Hawaii - Value Pack [4:36m]: Download
icon for podpress  Deals on Stand Up Paddle Gear at Wet Feet Hawaii - Value Pack [4:37m]: Download

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7 Responses to “Deals on Stand Up Paddle Gear at Wet Feet Hawaii – Value Pack Video”

  1. DW 1DW

    Could you include the direct links to the Youtube videos? The videos don’t always play for me in the pop up window. Plus the image is smaller than when playing directly at Youtube.

  2. linter 2linter

    i’ve been having troubles with the last couple of vids too — they’re just not playing. might want to look into that.

  3. Evan Leong 3evan

    I’m waiting for my webmaster to fix the video. Here’s the youtube link I think he may not have activated the video on youtube yet. Thanks for the heads up. It’ll be fixed today.

  4.  4admin

    Video links have been fixed. You guys should be able to play the videos now.


  5. linter 5linter

    um, let me get this straight. if you just want to buy the board, a fin doesn’t come with it? you gotta buy it separately or as part of the “value pack”? say it ain’t so!

  6. DW 6DW

    Some boards come with fins, some don’t.

    JL’s do. Angulo’s don’t.

  7. DW 7DW

    For experienced guys, it’s better they don’t come with fins, so you can pick one you like.

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