Download: Highlight footage Battle of the Paddle California – Baxter, Mitchell, Ching, Appleby


BOP CA 2011


Download Highlight Footage from Day 1 Here

Footage includes action from the Elite Race and the Open Race as well as interviews with men’s Elite champion Connor Baxter & women’s Elite champion Candice Appleby, as well as interviews with Jamie Mitchell and Danny Ching. 


Please note that footage is broadcast quality b-roll in full definition.


Dana Point, CA — (Sept. 24, 2011) — Maui’s Connor Baxter, 17, won his first major stand-up paddle (SUP) championship today against the world’s best in the Rainbow Sandals Gerry Lopez Battle of the Paddle in California. In the most thrilling Elite Race battle in the four-year history of the event, Baxter fought off none other than 10x world prone paddleboard champion Jamie Mitchell (Australia), and defending Battle of the Paddle California champion Danny Ching (California) to win. The women’s Elite Race was won by an incredibly inform Candice Appleby (Oahu/San Clemente) for the fourth consecutive year.  



MEDIA CONTACT: Jodi Wilmott,  Email or +1.808.258-8533  

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