The Tahitian Beast Joins Ultimate Waterman Line-Up


By: Allie Brown


It was announced earlier last week that our very own Tahitian Beast, Georges Cronsteadt, is the final athlete to join the list of incredible athletes who will partake in the Ultimate Waterman event in mid-March.

Georges will be joining seven other SUP athletes: Kala Alexander, Connor Baxter, Danny Ching, Kai Lenny, Manoa Drollet, Mark Visser and Daniel Kereopa. The Ultimate Waterman event is an invite-only event so it is especially awesome that an SIC Maui athlete received an invite.

The event will take place all throughout New Zealand and the athletes will be competing in six different surfing disciplines over a period of eight days to decide who will be crowned the 2015 Ultimate Waterman. With over 20-years of experience and three world championship titles, not to mention his recent win in New Zealand, we’d say Georges will have an excellent shot at being the champ.

We are so stoked and proud to have Georges as a part of our SIC Maui ohana and we wish him the best of luck as he competes in New Zealand next month!

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