C4 Waterman Demo Day January 12



Come check out C4 Waterman’s demo day this Saturday, January 12, from 7-9AM, at Ala Moana Beach Park. The team will be on the Magic Island side of the lagoon.

Try out any of the C4 selection of stand-up paddle boards, including the inflatable Uli Board. Check out their selection of paddles, as well. Paddle around the lagoon, and find out which board you like.

C4 Waterman

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1 Response to “C4 Waterman Demo Day January 12”

  1. KaiDogg 1KaiDogg

    Beautiful morning at the beach park, with just a puff of very light SSW breezes. Perfect conditions for a demo and I’m sure that people were stoked that C4 was down at the beach to give the public an opportunity to experience SUP’ing and to try out their product line.

    During the waning moments of the demo, I decided to head over and give the 11′6″ a spin in the lagoon. Surprisingly, for a big board, it’s not as heavy or as unwieldy as it looks. As one would expect, it paddles well and has lots of glide, but it doesn’t feel as though you’re trying to steer around a barge when turning. With the right amount of leverage, the nose comes right around. Nice!

    In retrospect, I wish I had tried the 9′6″ swallow tail for comparative purposes. Oh well, maybe next time… Mahalo to C4 Waterman for the demo!

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