Steel Core Board Security Straps


A short video clip of Teene talking about the Steel Core Security Straps. Very good when you have to run to the market after a SUP session and have to leave your board on the car. Hopefully, I’ll get a chance to try these myself.

(click thumbnail to launch video)

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3 Responses to “Steel Core Board Security Straps”

  1. Bob 1Bob

    I bought a pair when I got Sue her board. The 15′er easily secures 2 boards. Bill has had his steel cores a while. He said someone has tried a couple of times to cut them to steal his board but only managed to slice the outer strap. He says the cut marks are a badge of honor for them.

  2. Evan Leong 2evan

    Is there any chance of the strap digging into the rail of the board? Is it the same as using regular straps?

  3. Bob 3Bob

    I haven’t had any problem with them digging in. They are real easy to use. Similar to a cam-lock strap. Bill suggested I lock them always, said he had his pop open once when he hadn’t locked it. Although I hadn’t been doing that and didn’t have a problem.

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