Brian Keaulana’s 8-6 Board


Check out Brian’s 8-6 board. It has a swallow tail and quad fins. This is what he rode at Noosa. Pretty sweet.

(click thumbnail to launch video)

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2 Responses to “Brian Keaulana’s 8-6 Board”

  1. DW 1DW

    You da man!

    Thanks for spying in the bushes.

    Notice the extended tail pad! I was just reading on Swaylocks about guys struggling to find tails pads for fishes that allow the foot to get back far enough. Guys want the foot over the split in the tail.

    Never tried a fish myself.

    Hey, I’m coming there next Jan. Maybe we can surf together.

  2. Evan Leong 2evan

    DW – Funny…he actually let me check it out. It was in the bushes because it was under the shade.

    I didn’t notice the tail pad until you mentioned it. Todd B from C4 told me that they have a lot of new boards coming out in 2009, some in the 9′-9′6″ range for bigger guys.

    Let me know when you’re coming out here and we can connect. January will most likely have big waves.

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