Windsurfing the Starboard Super 12-6 SUP at Lake Bung Taco in Bangkok Thailand


Windsurfing the Starboard Super 12-6 SUP at Lake Bung Taco in Bangkok Thailand

During my visit to Starboard headquarters Svein thought it would be a good idea for me to try and windsurf.  I was excited but a bit reluctant.  First off, there was no wind.  Second, I have no windsurfing experience.  He asked the resident pro instructor, Duncan to teach me so I decided to give it a shot.  I was surprised that Duncan could even get the Super 12′6″ SUP to move in the sub 5 mph winds.

When I got to try it I actually got up and started to get it moving…well at least in my mind. lol. I ended up in the lily pads a couple times and Duncan had to come and get me out. Here are some pics below.

Windsurfing the Starboard Super 12-6 SUP at Lake Bung Taco in Bangkok Thailand  Duncan unrolls the 5-meter SUP Windsurf Sail to rig on the Starboard Super 12′6″ SUP


Windsurfing the Starboard Super 12-6 SUP at Lake Bung Taco in Bangkok Thailand He installs the boom(?) in the sail


Windsurfing the Starboard Super 12-6 SUP at Lake Bung Taco in Bangkok Thailand Adding in the tie down rope


Windsurfing the Starboard Super 12-6 SUP at Lake Bung Taco in Bangkok Thailand Duncan finishes installing the 5-meter sail specifically designed for the Starboard Super 12′6″ SUP


Windsurfing the Starboard Super 12-6 SUP at Lake Bung Taco in Bangkok Thailand Duncan gets the Starboard Super 12′6″ sailing along


Windsurfing the Starboard Super 12-6 SUP at Lake Bung Taco in Bangkok Thailand It’s amazing how Duncan got the board to move with almost no wind


Windsurfing the Starboard Super 12-6 SUP at Lake Bung Taco in Bangkok Thailand Evan actually gets up and starts sailing the Starboard Super 12′6″


Windsurfing the Starboard Super 12-6 SUP at Lake Bung Taco in Bangkok Thailand Yeah! Finally moving…kinda.


(click thumbnail to launch video)


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