SUP in Thailand Floating Market


SUP in Thailand Floating Market

This was sent in by Erik who works with Starboard. I got a chance to spend some time with him on a recent trip to Thailand and have to say that he is a great guy. Very humble and gracious. I was supposed to go with them on this journey but ran out of time. Looks like I missed out. Here’s what he had to say on what looked like an awesome SUP session in Thailand.

I have been visiting Bangkok for about 3 weeks now, and together with locals I have explored the city and the surrounding areas. Back home in Norway, i just started SUP this summer and every time I went out in the ocean, boats approached and wanted to “save” me.

Together with Duncan (a British bloke thats been here for the last 8 months), we decided to check out one of the local floating markets.

I must say that Bangkok is a strange city, from small sheds to the most expensive buildings, the electric wiring looks like its going to fall down any time, and if the locals need some lighting for their thin roofed sheds, they just climb up and connect it themselves.

SUP in Thailand Floating Market

On the way to the market, the large 3 headed elephant guards the city of Bangkok.

SUP in Thailand Floating Market

We arrived sunday afternoon, in the most hectic time of day.

SUP in Thailand Floating Market

The market was packed and we had to walk outside the market, because to bring a starboard sup 12.6 in these narrow streets is almost impossible. The athmosphere was fantastic. the scent of flowers, herbs, food filled the air.

SUP in Thailand Floating Market

The long tail captains would show us the way and applauding our effort. Among all kinds of floating vessels, some used as ferries, other for flowers, food and product, old ladies cooking the very best lunch in the smallest of canoes, we cruised around.

SUP in Thailand Floating Market

All people were applauding our presence, flashes from all the tourist cameras went on and we almost felt like pop-stars.

SUP in Thailand Floating Market

SUP in Thailand Floating Market

My meal made of lotus seeds, and other things i never seen or tasted before had the cost of about us$ 0.50. All kind of food were offered, and our lunch sitting alongside the locals on our SUP was great.

SUP in Thailand Floating Market

I must say we almost got a religious feeling. The sounds, the water (wouldnt drink it), the light and the temperature. It was a mix of small events that made a huge impact on us both.

After 30 minutes with heavy, tropical rain, we went inside. Packed our boards away and went home again. This is not the last time we are going down on the rivers of Thailand.

This was truly the best SUP experience ever.

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1 Response to “SUP in Thailand Floating Market”

  1. Craig 1Craig

    If you are in Thailand and would like to get some Stand Up action check out Also check out the River Kwai Adventure trip and check out other adventure trips.

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