Paddling the latest holiday craze

This article was originally published by The Daily Telegraph. Read the original article here:,,24870319-5001021,00.html
By Jessica Seymour
for The Daily Telegraph
January 04, 2009 12:00am
MORE Australians are learning stand-up paddle boarding – an ancient technique created by Hawaiians – with some surfers using the boards in low swell to build up their balance while others are mastering a new skill in a sport they love.
IT’S surfing but with a twist. James Kiloh, 22, has been stand-up paddle boarding since the start of the year.
“Its hard at first, he said. “You just need to get taught a few things about it, then it’s easy as.”
Having surfed since he was about 10, Kiloh says stand-up paddle boarding is the perfect excuse to surf, no matter what the water is like.
“You go out when it’s small and just cruise around and catch a couple of waves on it,” he said.
Also known as beach-boy surfing, stand-up paddle boarding was revived in Hawaii in the early 1960s.
The paddle is used mainly when the surf is flat and while isn’t considered any more dangerous than regular surfing, Kiloh warns that initially the paddle can be a bit of trouble.
“You kind of get whacked in parts, just little niggles,” he said.
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