Manila SUP Stand Up Paddlers Help Flood Victims


My friend Bernice Parsons sent me this video from the Philippines. If you’ve been watching the news, the Philippines was just blasted by a huge storm which flooded 80% of Manila. There was a month’s worth of rain in 12 hours.  People’s homes flooded, thousands were stranded on their roofs and over 500,000 people lost their homes.  A group of stand up paddlers wanted to help and did it in a unique way. They delivered relief aid and supplies via their SUP’s because everything was under water.  Check out the video.

(click thumbnail to launch video)

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1 Response to “Manila SUP Stand Up Paddlers Help Flood Victims”

  1. orange county paddle boarding 1orange county paddle boarding

    This is so awesome! What a great way to help people out. Good job to these guys for figuring out how to help out the people in need.

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