Supsquatch in Big Makaha Waves


20121229-d15a3531 Photo courtesy of Ha’a Keaulana

Jeff at C4 sent over these photos shot by Jeff Wathell of Mana Photography of their recent session at Makaha. Most people would think twice about SUP surfing waves this size but it’s nuts on a C4 Supsquatch with 7 riders. Looks like a much better use than racing. Lol. Here’s Jeff’s recap below.

Photos courtesy of Jeff Wathell at Mana Photography





Me: Who participated in this session?
Jeff: It was myself, Brian Keaulana, three lifeguards and two Makaha boys.

Me: What’s the story behind this?
Jeff: Todd Bradley got the call from Brian Keaulana on the previous Sunday saying that Monday’s forecast was going to be big for Makaha. Todd then called me and said, “LET’S DO THIS!!!” I called some of the boys and got Jeff Wathell (Mana Photography) to come and shoot some pics. Todd piloted his waverunner and we got some great pics from the channel. We were thinking about doing some Tow-ins too but we really need to get the boards rigged and ready for something like that. Hopefully it will be soon but that day was all about testing the boards out in the biggest surf they’ve seen and seeing how they handled. They did really really well and we will definitely be taking them into more massive swells this year! The pictures only showed a part of the rush we had. The ability to ride big waves with six of your friends has to be one of the best sessions I’ve had on a SUP. On the second time back out at Makaha we picked up two more of the boys and paddled out with 7 guys including BK. Never done that before either in that big of surf. There are big things happening with the Sup-Squatch’s and Sup-Asauruses!!!

Me: Thanks for sharing this with us. Looking forward to the next session!

More photos courtesy of Ha’a Keaulana



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