Paddle for Her Battle



September 6, 2013

The father, Greg Beckler, of Raelyn is going to paddle board 40 miles from Catalina to Doheny Beach to raise funds to help pay for her treatment of Leukemia. Raelyn was found to have Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia (ALL) at age 2 and a half and is now 4. She has gone through and continues to endure spinal taps, bone marrow biopsies, daily chemotherapy treatments, blood transfusions, frequent portacath blood testing, hundreds of doctor’s visits, x-rays and large steroid doses all with the strength and resilience that a possesses She also has developed a rare side effect to the steroid doses, which she takes to enhance the effectivity the chemotherapy. This creates psychosis which is severe.


All of this has drained them emotionally as they have had to deal with these wide fluctuations of psychotic behavior 24 -7 never mind her survival. They are able to only work part time and there was a six month period when they could not work at all. They have yet to qualify for any assistance because of their income level in the year prior to her diagnosis. They have exhausted all their savings and have started selling their meager assists just to survive and cannot pay for the ongoing uncovered medical expenses,.

He has decided to make an effort to bridge this financial gap with this crossing, and if successful would like to expand this to an annual event in the future to help other families with similar circumstances. For more information please go to for contact information or you can contact me at (714) 273-6683

Gary Montgomery
Volunteer Press Agent

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