Paddle Surf Hawaii 10′6″ Stand Up Paddle Board by Blane Chambers – The Sweetest Stand Up Paddle Surfboard You Can’t Get


Paddle Surf Hawaii 10'6

I’ve been bugging Blane Chambers for about a month now to come to his new shop and let me get a Paddle Surf Hawaii stand up paddle surfboard. My friend Carnet can’t stop talking about the one he’s riding and how he’s buying another new one for both him and his wife so I had to go see for myself. These boards are hard to get. There aren’t many in production and they go fast so I think Carnet has been waiting a while.

It’s a funny coincidence but Blane and I worked together almost a decade ago for a short period of time. It was nice reconnecting.

I called Blane last week because North Shore has been pumping and I wanted to surf it yesterday. I thought that I’d stop by his place on the way back in to town, after my stand up paddle surf session and see what he had in his new store. I called him in the early morning and he let me know the North Shore swell was dead for the morning with maybe some ankle slappers once in a while. Nonetheless, my friend Kekoa and I opted for breakfast and a visit with Blane before we continued on to the North Shore.

Paddle Surf Hawaii is located in a small office bldg adjacent to the Wahiawa Court House. There is no sign, no street visibility and it’s the most unlikely place to find a surf store. I had to ask the security guard at the court house where it was. She must get asked that all day long. The store looks more like a show room than a store but it won’t be open to the public until next week anyway.

The wall was lined with racks but they were pretty empty. In fact, I think there were less than 10 stand up boards in them and most were sold already and waiting for people to pick them up. It was pretty apparent that if I wanted to get on one anytime soon I needed to get it then and there.

After telling Blane where I surfed, my riding style, etc he suggested 2 stand up boards to choose from. The first was a 10′ er and the second was a 10′6″ board. I ended up getting the 10′6″ stand up board and then promptly drove back to town, skipped lunch and went straight to Diamond Head to get it in the water. Lucky for Kekoa and I, the waves and conditions were awesome in town.

Rider: 34 yrs old; 6′ tall; 215 lbs

Rider Skill Level: Novice

Conditions: Board was tested at Diamond Head, Oahu South Shore in 2-4 foot surf (Hawaiian Scale). Winds were under 5 mph and the ocean was pretty glassy with occasional small chop. The conditions were epic! It was also tested in waist to chest high Ala Moana Courts on Tuesday afternoon in light winds.

Stand Up Paddle Surfboard Description: The stand up paddle board is a Paddle Surf Hawaii 10′6″ x 28 1/4″ x 4.5″ design by Blane Chambers. Blane said this board was initially shaped to ride 10 foot (Hawaiian Scale) Sunset Beach on the North Shore of Oahu. That means 20 foot faces on a hollow super fast wave. It’s nice to know the board can do that but I won’t be going in any 20 foot North Shore faces anytime soon.

The Chambers 10′6″ has a noticeably different design than other stand up paddle surfboards I’ve seen. First off, the distribution of thickness is fairly dramatic with the standing area really thick and the nose and tail really thin. This allows the board to get up on a rail and surf.

Blane added a visual cue for me to determine where the ideal standing area is. Look at the photos and see the small circle Paddle Surf Hawaii logo. That came in handy when I needed to get up and paddle fast to get out of the way of waves coming my way while stuck in whitewash.

This Chambers custom stand up surfboard is made out of EPS foam and epoxy. For some reason I thought it was made out of regular foam and fiberglass because of the way it looks and feels. It feels just as light as any epoxy 10′6″ I’ve carried.

The fin setup is 2 +1 with 3″ side biters and an 8″ Island Fin Design center fin. This was the suggestion of Blane when I asked him to rig the fins to make the board turn fast.

Pros: This board surfs unreal. At first it took me a few waves to get the feeling of the sweet area to stand and where the tail was but once I got the feel I really got some sweet rides. The first wave of the day was a ride where I was able to pump down the line and do a few cutbacks in a double overhead wave.

This board is very fast! I was able to make sections that I normally get stuck in and it also accelerates nicely. Oh, and it catches waves easily. I caught a few waves yesterday where I was too early and had to chase them down from behind. I was surprised that I was able to drop in on them.

At Ala Moana I’ve only been able to catch a few waves in the last few sessions there. I have a hard time judging the wave there and can’t seem to paddle fast enough. Well, I had no problem catching waves on the Paddle Surf Hawaii stand up paddle surfboard because it’s fast and catches waves with ease. It also surfs really well in small waves, allowing for cutbacks and strong bottom turns without losing speed.

Cons: The only thing about this board that I can think of as a con is the middle thickness while carrying it in wind. The thick center standing area on the board may be hard for people with small hands to hold in their hands while carrying the board on their shoulder or head. If that’s the case with you then you may want a different shape from Blane.

Final Verdict: If you can actually get one of these boards, you won’t be sorry. Keep in mind that the Paddle Surf Hawaii Blane Chambers boards are really designed to get the most performance in the surf. This model was not an ‘all around’ board but a performance surf model for big waves so if that’s what you’re looking for then get in line now because you may end up waiting a long time if not.

You’ll need to order direct or call for an appointment to view or get one of these.

(Call Austin for Hours or Appointment)
Ph# (808) 222-4663
Fax# (808) 621-7788

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20 Responses to “Paddle Surf Hawaii 10′6″ Stand Up Paddle Board by Blane Chambers – The Sweetest Stand Up Paddle Surfboard You Can’t Get”

  1. Tony 1Tony

    Congrats, I saw this board last week and it is nice. i ordered a similar version but it hasn’t come in yet.

    I’ve ridden several PSH boards now and they are all amazing. I have a 10′6″ All Arounder that I’m riding right now that’s perfect for S. Shore and will handle a little N. Shore juice.

    If you ever get a chance, try out one of Blane’s 9′6″s. Ridiculous!

  2. DW 2DW

    The visual marker about the ideal place to stand is cool. I always wondered if Jimmy Lewis was doing the same with his logo on the rail. It seems to match my standing spot on all his models.

    How does the stability rank compared to your C4 10′ or 10′6?

    BTW, Blair is shaping me a board now. Thanks to your video.

  3. Evan Leong 3evan

    I think that C4 offers a visual marker as well as Jimmy. The Angulo’s have a visual by the handle mount holes. Blane cut out the pad to put in the marker for me. It was a custom job.

    The tippyness of this 10′6″ is somewhere between the C4 10′ and 10′6″. I felt it the first day because the nose and tail are so much thinner than the middle standing area it took a little getting used to. I rode the Chambers 10′6″ this morning in windy conditions and it was totally fine. The weird thing is that standing prone is a little tippier on the Chambers 10′6″ than the C4 10′6″ but surf stance seems more stable on the Chambers than the C4 so I guess I’m still getting used to the board.

    One thing about this PSH board is it surfs really well. I know it was meant for big waves but I caught waves today that were barely breaking (and may not have been breaking) in offshore winds. This board catches waves really well also.

    Let us know how the Blair board works out for you. Joe sounds pretty confident in his design so I’m interested to hear first hand.

  4. Evan Leong 4evan

    Tony – How much do you weigh? I’m 215 lbs so 9′6″ seems too small but Blane told me about a 9′6″ that I may be able to ride. If it comes in next week’s shipment then I’ll check it out.

  5. Evan Leong 5evan

    I think there are 5 new styles of Blane Chambers Paddle Surf Hawaii stand up paddle boards coming in next week. You’ll need to call Austin there to get a chance to see or get one. I think the boards arriving range from 8′ something or 9′ to 10′6″ or so. Sorry but I’m not totally sure on this one. I do know that if you miss this shipment the next shipment is a while off.

    (Call Austin for Hours or Appointment)
    Ph# (808) 222-4663
    Fax# (808) 621-7788

  6. Carnet Williams 6carnetw

    Yeh… I’m drooling right now to get my hands on a 9′6″ and hope to get in touch with Blane before they are all gone. Keeping my fingers crossed!

  7. Tony 7Tony

    I’m between 218 – 220lbs. The 9′6″ I rode was a little on the thin side but I was able to balance it and catch a couple waves. I think I’ll use my 10′6″ on super small days or windy days, and get a 9′6″ for glassy days.

    Not sure whether I want to wait for a custom or buy off the rack. Probably custom since I weigh more than most guys he shapes for.

  8. Fran 8Fran

    Just curious, are Blane’s production boards gonna
    be made by Sub5 or are they going to be his hand shaped stock boards?

  9. Tony 9Tony

    Blane’s production boards will come from China. I think he said he’s using a different company than SUB5 this time but will be same quality with the super pvc outer coating like his 10′ and 9′2″. They sound like they will be sick. I think there still a ways out though. You can be sure I’ll be standing in line when they arrive.

    He also has regular hand shaped (actually machine cut) boards that are inbound from his glassers in San Diego. These boards are eps/epoxy minus the pvc outer coating. I have a 10′6″ that just came in around the same time as Evan’s board. Here’s a review with pics:

  10. Fran 10Fran


    Mahalos for the info! Hopefully he’ll release the board
    dimensions before they get here. So much new stuff coming
    out, boggle the mind! I better get more water time so I can get a shorter board! Climbing up 4 flights with a 10′….not fun! Hey,Thanks agains for the info!

  11. Evan Leong 11evan

    Tony – Thanks for the info. Those PVC coated boards are bullet proof and for some reason glide really well. What’s the difference btw the 10′6″ you’re riding and the one I’m riding?

  12. Tony 12Tony


    Your 10′6″ has a more pulled in nose, mine is fuller and a little wider I think. I was looking for an 11′ to 11′ 6″ board for smaller South Shore for but Blane convinced me that this would do the trick. So far he’s been right.

    I do have a bigger wave board that I ordered. It’s 10′6″ as well. It’s pretty much the same board you have but a slightly more pulled in nose. It’ll handle bigger waves than I’m willing to ride. Since I picked up the other 10′ 6″ I’m not sure if I should get this one or just go straight to 9′ 6″. Luckily, Blane has given me the option of taking either or.

    You weren’t by chance paddling around Ala Moana today (Sunday) on a 10′ Southpoint Bonga?

  13. Evan Leong 13evan

    Tony – My PSH board was made for big hollow waves but I mainly surf on the south shore. I consider myself a novice so anything over 5 feet Hawaiian scale gets me nervous. Even though the 10′6″ I got from Blane wasn’t made for small waves it still surfs good in them.

    You ever surf in town or only North Shore?

  14. Tony 14Tony

    I surf pretty much everywhere, however I plan to start making a few after work paddling/surfing sessions at Ala Moana per week during the winter. Email me if you ever want to try out my 10′ 6″ just for fun.

    I’ve ridden a couple PSH 10′6″s that were made for bigger surf and it’s amazing how well they surf in the smaller stuff. They have a “shortboard” feel to them.

  15. Fran 15Fran

    That wasn’t me at Alamo today. Took a break. I stopped going to Alamoana to paddle cuz a friend of mine said that the lifeguards are starting to worry bout one us of SUP guys running into one of the swimmers. Looks like its gonna be Kaimana, Diamond Hd, or Barber’s. I got a 10′4″ Angulo, really looking at Blane’s boards! Drool! You and Evan makin me jealous!

  16. Evan Leong 16evan

    Tony – You’re right about these boards riding like short boards. I took the 10′6″ PSH board out in 20 mph winds today at Publics in Waikiki and was surprised at how good of a session I had. There was even a head high wave that I took off really late on and should not have made it but after I did make it I was stunned. This board surfs unreal.

  17. Evan Leong 17evan

    Tony – I met your friend Richard today at the Sand Bar near Old Man’s on his Angulo 11′9″. Cool guy.

  18. Tony 18Tony

    Ha ha ha, he’s supposed to be at work. How was it windy?

  19. Evan Leong 19evan

    It was pretty windy but not as much as yesterday…maybe 10-15 mph. My body was really tired today so I was falling for no reason.

  20. Paddle Surf España 20Paddle Surf España

    How funny is to see how was sup 10 years before, I hope we are going for 10 more years.

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