SUP at Cojo and Percos



This was sent in by David Powdrell. Here’s what he had to say on what looked like a fun session up in Bixby Ranch.

The photos were taken during the Santa Barbara Tea Fire. We decided to get out of town and get out of the smoke for 3 days by heading up to the Bixby Ranch. All the standup surfer photos are of Michael Lee, a long time Manhattan Beach surfer recently converted to standup surfer.


mike-lee-1.jpg Mike Lee, photo by David Powdrell


mike-lee-2.jpg Mike Lee, photo by David Powdrell


mark-soul-arch.jpg Mark Levy, photo by David Powdrell

The “soul arch” surf photo is of Mark Levy, another long time Manhattan Beach surfer.

The photos were taken at Cojo and Percos on a small but fun day. I’m probably selling my soul by sharing the location, but for those that can make the trek, it’s a special kind of wave.

I like the adage that “the best surfer is the one having the most fun”. I think Michael may have been the best surfer in the water.


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3 Responses to “SUP at Cojo and Percos”

  1. kara lee 1kara lee

    dads cooooooooolllllllllllllll

  2. juanjo carreon 2juanjo carreon

    hey men if i could imaging one of my friend doin that its you im juanjo from los cabos i have a great memories about you and you family
    my email its

  3. lori raf 3lori raf

    yeh it’s probably better to say “along the central cal coast”. don’t say I told you so…

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