Todd Bradley Teaches Proper Paddle Technique #2 – Video



Here is Todd Bradley of C4 Waterman on his second installment of the paddle technique video series.

(click thumbnail to launch video)

todd-bradley-paddle-technique-02 Keep the ball spinning

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5 Responses to “Todd Bradley Teaches Proper Paddle Technique #2 – Video”

  1. DW 1DW

    Great job Evan

  2. randy 2randy

    Excellent video, Ev. Thanks, Todd, for sharing the knowledge. Definitely hawaiian at heart. Got to meet his son Christian this past weekend. Good kid, a reflection of his father’s good nature and nurturing disposition.

  3. mindofown 3mindofown

    [..YouTube..] Excellent!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. GrooveWorshipper 4GrooveWorshipper

    [..YouTube..] I love this part

    :55 – 1:02

    One of the awesomest instructional vids I’ve ever seen. Thank you so much for posting this gift.


  5. jboard22 5jboard22

    [..YouTube..] Great instruction. thanks!

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