Big Sur Run 11-Jun-08


Here’s an email from Ted of C4 Waterman on their Big Sur Run last 11-June-08. Looks like everyone had a good time.

Hello All,

Here is the preliminary debrief/after action report from the events of the 10/11 Jun 08; Dave is going to write a much more entertaining and articulate field report. Dave and I did not make the Demo on the 10th due to my flights that evening being cancelled; I made it home the evening of the 10th, then the next morning driving up to San Luis Obispo, arriving in time for breakfast at the Home of Aleutian Juice Surfboards.

Aleutian Juice Worldwide HQ

After some aspri-breakie relaxation, our friends: Randy Adler owner of Moondoggies Surf Club and Matt (former Moondoggies employee and current Park Ranger) showed up and we loaded up the gear heading up coast.

Figure 1 L-R Randy, Dave, Matt with the C4 “Grapes of Wrath” load

With a stop for fuel (diesel-thanks Dave, and Big Sur Bars/bananas/chips-thanks Randy and Matt) we headed up to San Simeon Bay (just below the Hearst Castile) and picked up our friend Todd aka “Maynard” who is a water guide on the Central Coast.

Todd aka Maynard inquiring into “how did the San Diego Kook get here?!”

All these gentleman extremely experienced Central Coast Waterman familiar with every crook and cranny of one of the most beautiful and famous shorelines on the planet. Although picturesque and serene; just under the surface is every kind of horror known to any seafarer: up welled cold water (51 degrees F), rocky shoreline with large sudden swell, pissed off aggressive Elephant Seals, and last but not least the “Ill-Tempered” old-man-in-the-grey-suit that feeds on the Pissed off Elephant Seals. Yup, this is the Great White Shark’s version of “L&L Barbeque”.

We drove up coast in our “Grapes of Wrath” rig loaded with 3 Boardworks Vortices, 1 Holoholo and 1 Vortice XP (Dave’s Baby) and sussed out the coast waiting for the north west winds to freshen; as we scoped it out we noticed that the fires burning north in Monterrey County were spewing smoke over the offshore waters lending a golden glow to everything

Dave and Randy

Dave keeping Randy in check while Matt looks on

Smoke Check (photo: Dave Parmenter)

After a wait for the wind to pick up a bit more, Dave and Randy selected a spot to launch that wasn’t a full Poison Oak Rub/Itchfest (Randy, Dave, Matt and Todd, similar to the Ancient Central California Coast tribes who exposed their young to Poison Oak, were relatively immune to it’s effects). We launched from a very nice beach that was sheltered from the large north swell present.

Todd, Matt, Dave and Randy, just north of the “Screaming Women” rock formation

The water was cold at 51 degrees F, but it was a relatively easy paddle out through the kelp and rock formations. A large swell in the water added to the excitement and anticipation of a roaring downwind open ocean surf venture on one of the most photographed, yet least accessible coastlines in California, not unlike the north shore of Kauai, but only colder and spookier. Conditions were glassy as the north west winds had not yet unleashed, there was some back wash and bump which kept most of us motivated to stay mounted and out of the chilly brine.

Randy leading the way out (photo: Dave Parmenter)

Dave Pointing out Peidras Blancas (a very sharky area)


Todd on a little bump

Rounding Point Pietras Blancas, the wind and swell where in were lined up perfect for some nice “railroading” and scoots” (I have some low resolution video of this that you might want). Dave ensured that we were all up to speed, as we went through the “gears” on the Vortices. Dave threw me the keys to his “XP”, and it was NICE! Even with only 12-15 knots of tailwind the Vortice XP enabled a paddler to pick up and accelerate nearly any bump; the board was extremely responsive to what Todd Bradley calls the 1st through 4th gears. Thanks Dave for letting me paddle your “baby”.

Randy then led us into a nice protected cove and beach just north of San Simeon for lunch of “Big Sur Bars” and agua; the sand was very warm, and it was hard to leave this place and resume the last leg of the paddle.

Randy Surveying

Maynard Confabulating


After a brief nosh and reheat we headed out on the final leg south to San Simeon Bay. The wind and had picked up a bit more and rounding the point to enter the calm of the bay there was a nice “bump run” the only problem was the kelp catching the fins and resulting in a rapid “dismount” into the 51 degree water! Once inside the bay it was a virtual “Pirates of the Caribbean” wonderland of caves, overhanging tree branches, protected coves/beaches and spitting blowholes. The combination of the kelp, sun angle and smoky skies caused the water to take on a golden tint. It was a nice finish to the pier with Dave pointing out all sorts of places to explore along the shore. Not wanting to risk beaching the XP I traded Dave whom expertly “Harbor Piloted” the Vortice to the beach on the backside of a meaty shore pound.

Ranger Matt in the “golden” cove

Dave checking out the caves

The Blowhole

After some great local Mexican grub, coffee, we hit the latest Indiana Jones movie in one of the last of the classic California cinema theaters : The Freemont, complete with 1940’s fancy décor and embellishments. I cannot remember having such a great time with so little sleep… Dave, Randy, Matt and Todd thanks for sharing your “backyard” and exploring new SUP frontiers.

Respectfully Submitted, Ted

Ted Rutherford Jr
Mainland Ops
C4 Waterman Inc

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