Tandem Stand Up Paddle Surf Video



Here’s a cool video courtesy of Heath Thompson from Waterlogged Video Productions. Check them out at http://www.tygurneysurfschool.com/video.html and give Heath a call at 808-292-9185 if you’re interested in hiring him to shoot your video.

This was shot on a day that my 5 year old son was off from school and I took him to Puena Point on the North Shore of Oahu to stand up paddle surf with me.

For the most part we caught a lot of waves and had a blast. We wiped out twice which Heath didn’t get on film but it was not pretty. The first one happened because we were catching so many waves that I went out too far and got blasted by the whitewash. My son was pretty mad about that. After 15 minutes of convincing him it would be ok I pearled on the next wave. He was a good sport and at the end of the day said what he enjoyed most was that he liked learning how to save himself when he falls of. The shave ice at Matsumoto’s may have helped that too.

(click thumbnail to launch video)

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1 Response to “Tandem Stand Up Paddle Surf Video”

  1. xangba23 1xangba23

    [..YouTube..] great video i love the sunset surf lessons

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