New Products from C4 Waterman – Da Mooch 11′ SUP Board



Here’s another video of Dave Parmenter, this time with the new C4 Waterman 11′ Da Mooch SUP board. This 11′ has a lovely, very relaxed, neutral long board rocker. It’s something you can stand on the nose all day on and still let you make big swooping left or right turns. It’s a great San Onofre or Waikiki board. It’s unreal for long distance paddling. You can paddle miles on it and still surf.

This is a good cross country board. It’s set-up with a fairly flat bottom going into a rolled v and a panel v that’s clustered and accentuated right near the fin. You can ride it as a 2 x 1 or single fin depending on your taste.

Now if you don’t want to hang ten and that’s not your thing, and let’s just say you’re paddling flat water or inland on the lake, this is a great all-around flat water fitness board. It covers ground and handles chops whether it’s on your beam, at your tail, at the nose, it’s really flexible. It’s a very stable board. It can go down rivers, you can put 2 kids on it. It’s just a fantastic all-around board.

Check out the video. Visit for more info about this board.

(click thumbnail to launch video)

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9 Responses to “New Products from C4 Waterman – Da Mooch 11′ SUP Board”

  1. linter 1linter

    Wow. Sounds like you spent a good bit of time on this board. Did you ride it as a 2:1 or a single fin?

  2. Evan Leong 2evan

    Linter – I haven’t ridden this one yet. The description text above was from the video and conversations w/ C4 and was prepared by Clarise who helps maintain our site. Sorry for any confusion. We’re in the process of getting her and Davi (webmaster) accounts and avatars to avoid confusion of who’s posting info. You’ll see more posts from them in the future because I have baby #3 coming in the next few weeks and my schedule will be crazy.

    How’s everything going in your neck of the woods?

  3. linter 3linter

    Ah, okay. All’s well here in the great NE. I’ve been belaboring my brain with thoughts on an on-sale ULI but have so far managed to resist. Dream #2: one of the new 10.5 Starboards. Do dreams come true. I sure hope so!

  4. Cristian lucas 4Cristian lucas

    Hi there…

    I am only new to Stand Up Paddle, but want to get into it as soon as possible.

    My only conserve is waht size board to get. Could you help me

    It will be mainly used in a river close to town.

    Thanks for your attention


  5. Evan Leong 5evan

    Christian – You’ll need to be more detailed to get the answer you need.

    What’s your?
    Athletic ability
    Intended use – surf, cruise, distance

    Where are you located?

  6. flatbear 6flatbear

    I am planning on getting the Da Mooch 11′. I am a total beginner but I used to wakeboard. I plan to SUP in Hong Kong China where the water is going to be choppy without any good surfable waves. The highest would be a one footer on surfable beaches.

  7. flatbear 7flatbear

    Opps the email was sent before I finished. I meant to ask you guys whether you think the Da Mooch is a good choice. I am :

    Cruise the coast and try to surf small waves.

  8. Evan Leong 8evan

    flatbear – At your weight, you should have no problem cruising around on Da Mooch. If you’re going to cruise the coast for long distances then maybe a distance board is better for you…something like the C4 Vortice or Vortice XP.

  9. flatbear 9flatbear

    Thank you Evan.

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