Standup Journal Now in 20 Countries at Start of 2nd Year on Newsstands

Standup Journal, now in its second year as “the photographic journal of international standup paddlesurfing,” has just been ok’d for newsstand distribution throughout France and Japan.
“This makes 20 countries that now carry us,” says publisher and former Californian Clay Feeter from his New Hampshire-based Standup Journal office. The quarterly, coffee-table quality publication first hit US Borders, Barnes & Nobles and surf shops in March, 2008.
Since then, via the efforts of their two US and international distribution pros, Standup Journal is at more than 300 Australian and New Zealand news shops and throughout the UK and most European countries.
“We’re predicting this will be the ‘Summer of Sup Love,’” Feeter said as their June issue was about to go to press.
The “Spring” issue, featuring Gerry Lopez on the cover, makes its way to US subscribers, shops and bookstores March 24th; hitting international newsstands in late April.
For some preview of pages from the “Spring” issue see below.
Sup Adventuring on the River Kwai, Thailand
Australia, South Africa and Maui
San Francisco’s Haley Fiske catching the biggest Mav’s wave of the day, last December
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