Na Kama Kai Ocean Clinic for Kids



Na Kama Kai is the brain child of Hawaii waterman Duane DeSoto. Duane is a professional longboarder and also competes in SUP stand up paddle competitions. He is the solo winner for the 2008 Molokai to Oahu race. Duane started Na Kama Kai and you can get more info at I finally got a chance to attend one of their ocean clinics and my kids had a blast. If you have kids, you should definitely take them to one or more of these, especially since they’re free. The clinics are held once a month and you can see the schedule on their site. Here are some pictures and a video I shot from the clinic we attended.


(click thumbnail to launch video)


na-kama-kai-clinic-07 Time to sign in


na-kama-kai-clinic-01 Kari, Koko and Buddy


na-kama-kai-clinic-16 Ryder and Braedon Miguel


na-kama-kai-clinic-17 Shaping a wooden surf board


na-kama-kai-clinic-18 Buddy finishing the wood with a sandpaper


na-kama-kai-clinic-20 Braedon’s turn to do some sanding


na-kama-kai-clinic-30 Chris and Koko


na-kama-kai-clinic-12 Tandem SUP lesson


na-kama-kai-clinic-13 Buddy and Surftech Bark Expedition


na-kama-kai-clinic-14 Duane DeSoto doing water patrol


na-kama-kai-clinic-27 Don’t mess with Alayna


na-kama-kai-clinic-31 Ryder didn’t want to go and is being held by a Na Kama Kai volunteer


na-kama-kai-clinic-32 She ends up getting Ryder to participate and enjoy himself


na-kama-kai-clinic-33 Stand up and paddle


na-kama-kai-clinic-34 Traffic jam


na-kama-kai-clinic-35 Braedon checking out the conditions


na-kama-kai-clinic-38 Start with the knee paddle technique


na-kama-kai-clinic-39 Standing up


na-kama-kai-clinic-45 Stand up paddle jet skiing


na-kama-kai-clinic-46 Catching a ride


na-kama-kai-clinic-49 Learning to paddle a canoe


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1 Response to “Na Kama Kai Ocean Clinic for Kids”

  1. xXxTiArExXX 1xXxTiArExXX

    [..YouTube..] so sweet for the kiddies :)

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