Sunset Beach Pro, Feb 6th-14th 2010, Stand Up World Tour


Sunset Beach Pro, 6th – 14th February: Stop 1 of the Stand Up World Tour for 2010

  • Open trials
  • Youth exhibition
  • Main event

The Trials:
All entries for the trials should be sent to, with ‘trials entry’ included as the subject of the email and your name, age, where you’re from and contact details in the mail itself. The max number of entries is 48, so the sooner you can place your entry the better. The Top 4 from the Trials event will advance into the main event.

Registration for the trials will be held at 7 – 8.30am on the 6th February at Sunset Beach.

Youth Exhibition:
All youths wishing to take part in this exhibition event should email the same address (, but with ‘youth entry’ as the subject, and all details as above.

Main Event:
The Main event will consist of the established Top 24 athletes as chosen by the ASUPP’s riders’ committee. These top 24 will be placed directly into the second round of the event. In the first round of the event will be 8 athletes from the alternate list, 4 wild cards and the top 4 finishers from the Trials event

Registration for the main event will be held at Duke’s Waikiki at 7.30pm on Friday 5th February.

For further information visit or


Top 24
Ekolu Kalama HAW
Ikaika Kalama HAW
Noah Shimabukuro HAW
Chuck Patterson USA
Duane Desoto HAW
Jamie Mitchell AUS
Dave Muir AUS
Bonga Perkins HAW
Kainoa McGee HAW
Garrett Macnamara USA
Peyo Lizaruzu FR
Guillaume Bourligeux TAH
Kainoa Beaupre HAW
Kealii Mamala HAW
Scott Chandler USA
Kekoa Uemura HAW
Stephane Iralour FR
James Bily Watson AUS
Kala Alexander HAW
Kamu Auwae HAW
Antoine Delpero FR
Luke Egan AUS
Kai Sallas HAW
Dave Kalama HAW

Brian Keaulana HAW
Mel Pu’u HAW
Nolan Martin HAW
Robby Naish USA

Alternate List
Arsene Harehoe TAH
Kalani Vierra HAW
Kamaki Worthington HAW
Kai Lenny HAW
Kekoa Auwae HAW
Sam Pa’e HAW
Robin Johnston HAW
Aaron Napoleon HAW
Collin McPhillips CA
Keoni Keaulana HAW
Greg Pavao HAW


The Waterman League

Standup Journal is the official publication of the Stand Up World Tour

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