Planet Sun Sport Report – 16 June 2010


Planet Sun Hawaii

Aloha Sports and Suncare Fans..
A high intensity, lower volume weekend (if you know what I mean)



Major doings at the recent 2010 Rainbow Sandals Battle of the Paddle- what is best described as the “World Series of Paddle Racing”- with some of Earth’s best duking it out in a 2 day sched of various distance events. Mr. Sunshine and a cast of Planet Sun Heroes were deep in the middle of the event, offering suncare to the masses, as well as relief and safe sun education for half-naked tourists unaware and exposed to extreme UV Index levels of Hawaiian summer. Duane DeSoto and the tireless volunteers of Na Kama Kai were also a major part of the event conducting Ocean clinics and races for our Keike. A beautiful thing. The kids from came by our Planer Sun Care Station and filmed a technicolor video of all the action- should hit their site soon
Pic of our heroes Amy and Eric Eck, Anna Mathisen and her beau Andy at the PS Suncare station.



Shonny Vanlandingham DOES IT AGAIN at XTERRA Southeast Championships. PlanetSunProtectedTriathleteWonderGoddess Shonny V won the XTERRA Southeast US championships finishing an astounding 4 minutes ahead of 3 time World Champ, Melanie McQuaid- and, an unprecedented 6th overall amongst the men. WOW. The venue staged in Pelham Alabama, was said to be the toughest of the year – aside from a 80+ degree water swim, the course tortured with a 20-mile single loop mountain bike course of mostly BIG rocks and a punishing six-mile up-and-down forest run. Shonny still atop the XTERRA U.S. Series with 2 wins and a second place thus far. Shonny’s next stop is the XTERRA East Championship in Richmond, VA. A picture of Shonny here with the GOOD STUFF. Also check out her own report at:



On the Horizon: Much amass in the weeks to come.
- Collaboration with Miles for Melanoma: Mr Sunshine heads to the mainland USA to link up with MFM and the Melnoma Research Foundation leadership. Planet Sun mission- to provide a battery of Performance Suncare seminars to MFM clubs and supporting organizations

- Shonny V takes on the competiton at the XTERRA East USA Championships: 20 June
- Planet Sun triathetes tackle the FireCracker Sprint TRI, 27 June. Oahu
- Freedom Fest, 3-4 July. Oahu. All of Planet Sun there
- Da Hui Paddleboard race: 4 July. Oahu

Please stay tuned

John O’Malley
President, Chief Motivator and Inspirator
Planet Sun Comprehensive Sun care and UV Protection
ph: 808 372-6018
fax: 808 254-4110

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