Planet Sun Sport Report 1 DEC 2010


Planet Sun Hawaii

Aloha and Happy Holidays, Sports and Suncare fans!

Shonny Vanlandingham recently took a well deserved “break” after winning the Xterra World Championships in October, by winning the XTERRA Ceara’ Triathlon in Brazil. Yep, Shonny “vacationed” in Fortaleza, finishing 6th overall among all competitors and keeping her streak of UREAL alive. Shonny dispatched that she was putting our new Formulation Two sunscreen to the test at the race and on “Insano”, the tallest water slide in the world at 41 meters! From the pics we have seen all over FB, looks like she certainly did.

A very heavy congrats to Abby Mason, our San Fran shooting star who raced her first full distance Iron Man recently at IM Arizona. Abby finished in a very respectable 12:20:45, even more impressive, in that she was out most of the season with a knee injury- but who would know with that time. Abby continues to impresses us with her natural abilities and poise, and now with her first long distance finish under her belt, we are stoked to see what she will do in 2011. You go Girl! A shot of Ms Abby running the 26.2 leg in P.S. colors.


Duane DeSoto is getting a lot of well deserved press on his recently Long Board World Championship title. Perhaps even more special is this feature on Duane’s efforts in
nurturing our kids. The Makaha son and his family selflessly give their time and talents to many keike through his Na Kama Kai Ocean Clinic. Mahalo and good on you sir Duane. Read on:

Perpetually Paddling Princess Anna Mathisen went all the way to Hong Kong just to swim and share some Planet Sun care products. Anna teamed up with 4 other ladies and took on the ‘The Clean Half’ – a 14.5 Kilometer open water swim covering the south side of Hong Kong Island (the clean half of the island!). The good cause event was organized to raise environmental awareness and support the Hong Kong Government’s pledge to ban trawling from all local waters. Anna and mates sponsored by Planet Sun, led by example and entered the race ‘carbon neutral’ by escorting themselves paddling in one of the Hong Kong Outrigger Canoe Club OC6’s. Despite the extra workout in paddling their own “clean, green, escort machine”, the ladies still placed 2nd in the all women’s team category. Some pics of Anna’s team, and our lady takin the plunge in great form.



Chet the Jett Blanton continues with the Double Deca Ultra Triathlon. On 27 November, after swimming 48 miles, and biking over 1200 miles, Chet the Jet Blanton began the 524 mile run leg of his 20x IronMan distance race. Chet is running about 33 miles a day, and will complete the event by running the Honolulu marathon on 12 DEC. We are convinced he will be the happiest runner on the course that day. Yehaw. Chet is doing the Double Deca as a fundraising effort for Melanoma Awareness and Research. 100% of proceeds go to the Melanoma Research Foundation . Please donate to Chets cause, a penny a buck, whatever!

New product update. We now have three new products on our web site- just in time while you are thinking of that special someone for the holidays! Check em out.
-Our DragonFly Topwater Sunglasses:
-Our Formulation Two Zinc Based body sunscreen:
-Zen Paddle Master Hat:




On the Horizon: Catch us, our suncare gear and athletes at:
- 4 DEC: Season’s Best Craft Fair. Aiiolani Elementary School, Oahu
- 5 DEC: XTERRA Trail Running World Championships, Kualoa Ranch, Oahu
- 8-11 DEC: Honolulu Marathon Expo, Honolulu, Hawaii

Please Stay Tuned.

John O’Malley
President, Chief Motivator and Inspirator
Planet Sun Comprehensive Sun care and UV Protection
ph: 808 372-6018
fax: 808 254-4110

The Planet Sun Sport Report chronicles the adventures of a young suncare company and the world class athletes we sponsor

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