Gondolin Kluba + Friends Paddle for the Sahara!


Gondolin Kluba

Press Release:

Gondolin Kluba held yesterday, January 29, during the inauguration of its new local: a paddle in solidarity with the Saharawi people in the river Urumea.

On Saturday, January 29, Gondolin SUP Klub, the first club of Stand Up Paddle (SUP) of Euskadi and guests paddled in Urumea for the Saharawi people collecting food for the Solidarity Caravan organized by the Friends of the Sahara (Association of Friends of the Rasd).


The “Gondolin” or as it is called in English: Stand Up Paddle, is one of the water slide sport’s most legendary from Polynesia. Today is the fastest growing water sport in the XXI century.

This sport is becoming increasingly more popular in Europe, and this is mainly because it does not require much preparation to lear in in flat water. Anyone can practice it, from the youngest to the oldest, and is a better way to relax and feel in harmony with water.

More than 50 people from the French Basque Country, Navarra, Gipuzkoa, Bizkaia, Cantabria and Latin America gathered at this meeting. It began at 11:00 on the ramp of 5 º Urumea River Bridge, opposite the Hotel Amara Plaza. Hence the “gondolers” went to the mouth of the sea, organizing themselves to draw a SOS of solidarity by the Sahara.

The paddle was charged with emotion, the participants carried Saharawi flags and shirts with the slogan “SOS Sahara, Gu Gondolin, eta zu zergatik ez?”, Or “Save or Sucumb Sahara. We are Gondolin and why do you not?” .

After the travesy, we inaugurated the local , situated at No. 7 Hernani, San Sebastian. We collected 200 kilos of food to the Sahara and a tribute to the cause by Dj Rasla and Txalaparta group of the Baztan: JO JO ALA taldea.

The Gondolin club has now 2 years giving prestige to the sport by organizing events and trips, as well as offering free classes and demonstrations along the Cantabrian coast and inland waters.

C4SUPCENTER is his main sponsor and will offer sup-classes as the first C4 Waterman Official School in Donostia, Concha Bay.

Since January and are teaching classes, so that anyone interested in starting this sport can contact the company at:

Calle Hernani n7. Local 8. Donostia Tel 943 104 291

Visit: www.c4supcenter.com C4SUPCENTER to receive more info.

More information and photos of the event yesterday on the web:
Please © name of photographer and website: example:
Aitor Iturralde©gondolingipuzkoa.com

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