Win A SIC X-12.6 Air-Glide



For the month of June, SIC Maui is giving away an X-12.6 Air-Glide inflatable Stand Up Paddleboard for their Charitable Acts Photo of the Month contest. To enter click this link: and upload a photo of one of your charitable acts showing how you give back to the environment and stand up paddleboard community.

“The winner will be selected by the most inspirational story,” explains Belar Diaz of SIC. “The contest is more about the story behind it more than the board itself.”

It is simple. Send SIC Maui an image of yourself helping your community through a charitable act. The best image wins an SIC X-12.6 Air-Glide paddleboard. The winner will be selected at the end of the month, on or about 6/30/15 and is only open to North America and Europe.

For more on the Air-Glide inflatables click HERE:

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