Puerto Escondido Exclusive from Duane Desoto


We got this email from Duane Desoto:

I’m down in Puerto at the sup invitational. My wife was telling me that there is absolutely no press on the event, she was searching online. The contest organizer said that he has been getting hundreds of emails from all over the world asking for results.

4 man heats, one hour heats, everyone surfs twice, so today was round 1 and tomorrow is round 2 and the top two wave scores of each day are added together for final placement into the round of 16 (quarter) on sunday.

Todays conditions were four feet, morning sickness type waves, not clean, only a handful of barrels were ridden.

Ranking after Round 1
1 – Chuck Patterson USA – 16.5
2 – Scott Chandler USA – 16
3 – Duane DeSoto HAW – 14.5
4 – Kealii Mamala HAW – 14.5
5 – Jaime Sterilng HAW – 14.5
6 – Ekolu Kalama HAW – 14
7 – Noah Shimabokuro USA – 12
8 – Angel Salinis MEX – 12 (event organizer)
9 – Garrett McNamara HAW – 11
10 – Ikaika Kalama HAW – 9.5


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2 Responses to “Puerto Escondido Exclusive from Duane Desoto”

  1. Angel Mercado (Caballo) 1Angel Mercado (Caballo)

    Any recent news on the contest…is there any website with a score update!

  2. Evan Leong 2evan

    So far the only info I got was from Duane’s email above.

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