Puerto Escondido Exclusive from Duane Desoto – Day 2 Results


Here are the results from Puerto Day 2!

Day two, round 2 top wave scores added to round 1 scores. Yesterday, I listed the average today is the total scores from all judges which was used to round off top 16 quarterfinalist. Each heat was an hour long.

Inconsistent and blown out by the last heats of the contest.

Call at 7am. Four heat quarters. Large rainfall expected tonight which may ruin the site, possible hold tomorrow.

Ranking after Round 2
1 – Scott Chandler USA (49 + 39.5) = 88.5
2 – Chuck Patterson USA (49 + 37.5) = 86.5
3 – Kealii Mamala HAW (43 + 43) = 86
4 – Ekolu Kalama HAW (43 + 42) = 85
5 – Jaime Sterling HAW (43.5 + 40.5) = 84
6 – Noah Shimabokuro USA (37.5 + 45) = 82.5
7 – Duane DeSoto HAW (44 + 35.5) = 79.5
8 – Ikaika Kalama HAW (31.5 + 45.5) = 77
9 – Drew Brophy USA (31.5 + 45) = 76.5
10 – TJ Saeman USA (35.5 + 40) = 75.5
11 – Bryce Saeman USA (35 +38) = 73
12 – Angel Salinis MEX (38.5 + 33) = 71
13 – Garrett McNamara HAW (34 + 36) = 70
14 – Haley Fiske USA (31 + 37) = 68
15 – Leo Nardine USA (29.5 + 37) = 66.5
16 – Greg Carson Puerto Rico (26.5 + 38) = 64.5
17 – Andrew Lagreco USA (29+35) = 64
18 – Tomas Kosmoll Puerto Rico (32.5 + 28) = 60.5
19 – Ernie Alvarez Puerto Rico (25 + 33.5) = 58.5


Quarterfinal #1Quarterfinal #2Quarterfinal #3Quarterfinal #4
Scott ChandlerEkolu KalamaHaley FiskeDuane DeSoto
Ikaika KalamaJaime SterlingDrew BrophyTJ Saeman
Drew BrophyAngel SalinisNoah ShimabokuroChuck Patterson
Greg CarsonGarrett McNamaraKealii MamalaLeo Nardine


Duane DeSoto

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3 Responses to “Puerto Escondido Exclusive from Duane Desoto – Day 2 Results”

  1. Maria Brophy 1Maria Brophy

    Thanks for reporting on this – it’s been difficult finding any information on the Puerto contest. Muchas Gracias!

  2. Maria Brophy 2Maria Brophy

    Question – will you be posting any photos from the event?

  3. Evan Leong 3evan

    Maria – I hope to be posting photos although I’m still waiting to receive them. If you have any that you’d like to post, email to me at evan at standuppaddlesurf dot net.

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