Planet Sun Sport Report 20 July 2010


Planet Sun Hawaii

Mountain Magic.  This past weekend Shonny Vanlangingham won the XTERRA Mountain Championships in Beaver Creek, Colorado!   Shonny went kinetic on the bike course, delivering the fastest split of the day, eventually finishing the race more than seven minutes of runner-up Sara Tarkington.  
Coolest part of the whole event was that Shonny’s Dad rode trekked his motorcycle all the way from Texas to watch race- the endurance thing runs in the blood for sure!
Shonny’s win at the Mountain Championships is her third in the 2010 XTERRA US PRO series, and puts her on due course to become the National Champion. The series consists of six events – five regional championships and the Nationals. The  USA Championship race is in Ogden/Snowbasin Resort, Utah on September 25th.  Shonny sure to SHINE.
A pic of Shonny high on mountains.


Mike and Sandy Ferreira exfiltrated Oahu to run the Napa to Sonoma Valley Half Marathon.  Something about wine tasting and running they said. Either way, they are the only 2 people we know who can speak of such things and still win thier age groups.  A shot of sandy in perfect stride.  


Anna Mathisen teamed up with three other wahanie waterwomen to win the Women’s Open 4 Division race at the 
John D. Kaupiko Regatta.   
Paddling on Girl!  

Paul Sibley, Real Hero.  Paul aided 7 lost hikers to safety the other night.  His experience proves something most of know, and learn over and over again.  It is not so much about the finish line or end of the journey- but starting it, and what we see, learn and do during it.   
Paul explains in his own words that follow.  A shot of Paul on the trail.


Paul reflects:

……..”What does it mean to be a father and husband taking care of a full work load, a wife that is on full bed rest at 34 weeks pregnant and a 5-yr old son (plus Rotary President, Relay for Life Chair, Lyon Arboretum Board, etc.) plus trying to retain the athletic skills for a calm state of mind?  Well, it means finding odd hours to workout.  The last few weeks, I’ve been going for a workout on the trails after it rained all day long, at around 9:00 PM.  Sure, seems late but very peaceful knowing that my wife is resting with her 76 pillows and my son is dreaming of Bakugan games after I read him Ferdinand the Bull.  No, running at night after a nonstop 15 hours of work is relaxing, and running through soupy, muddy, ‘cakey’ trails is perfect!” 
     “This past Saturday night, I was out on a normal run with all my survival gear and expensive lights when I came upon a group of hikers.  The sight of my lights seemed to startle them a bit, so I gave a popped off a friendly quiz: “Are you guys just starting out?”  The question was meant to assess their state of mind as most lost people usually deny that they are in a ‘pickle’.  Without a phone, light, food or water, I knew the answer but wanted to assess the situation first from my many years of experience and also back county medical training.  They were also barefoot and very exhausted.  We exchanged some words to which I surmised they were out all day, got lost, got injured and were basically stuck!  But some how they managed to feel their way through the trails while slipping everywhere to which two were injured from falls.”
     “I quickly decided to give up a light to a guy in the middle, and I carried the lady most injured with my headlamp from the end of the train of seven hikers.  We hiked through the mud talking story and staying upright with the eventually completion of their trail adventure to which I quickly departed returning to my regularly scheduled run – alone in my solitude once again”.

Good on ya Man! 
On Horizon.
Big doings for Ocean Paddlers on Oahu at the Hui Wa’a and OCHRA Championship Regattas- 24-25, July. Six person powered canoes racing hard in the sun at Keihe Lagoon.  Planet Sun on shore with protection for the masses.    
Please stay tuned..

John O’Malley
President, Chief Motivator and Inspirator
Planet Sun Comprehensive Sun care and UV Protection
ph: 808 372-6018
fax: 808 254-4110

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