Todd Bradley Pocket Coaching SUP Instruction Session 2 – Evan



This next video of Todd Bradley’s ‘pocket coaching’ series is with me.

(click thumbnail to launch video)

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12 Responses to “Todd Bradley Pocket Coaching SUP Instruction Session 2 – Evan”

  1. DW 1DW

    That was a really good video. By comparing the sound of the ski engine working hard to keep up with you, it was very clear you were going much faster, working less, than all the other videos. Even though you didn’t look fast. The engine noise was very revealing. Awesome job Even and Todd. Thanks!

  2. Evan Leong 2evan

    DW – I saved my embarrassment for last. The neat thing about these videos is that you can see improvement from the beginning to the end. The funny part is that when I was paddling, I totally felt in control and I felt like I was really moving but when I watch myself on video, I look uncoordinated and off balance. Todd’s the guy that’s fast.

  3. todd 3todd

    Love the comment on my using the word “lick it” to much, to funny when you hear it back. All that talk was taking me back to my college days!! Ha!!
    I a have an new word for next time how about “Tap-it”? SHOOT, Even that one takes me back, HA!!
    Next time I will just Shut up I guess.. but seriously, you were looking great, must be the board eh!!
    Great job on those videos, Glad they were well received, lets do more. maybe ask your readers what they would like to see and we can focus more on it and do another run?
    All the best, thank you for the support and great energy. aloha, Todd

  4. Phil 4Phil

    Yeah Todd and Evan, good session. Instructional video gave me some great insight on variations of the paddle strokes for short swell period. I agree with tap, maybe dab would be a more appropriate description of the stroke you were looking for. Hahahaha, just imagine if the video went black while you were narrating that segment of video… too funny ! College humor for sure. And yes, looked like that Vortice fit the swell shape very nicely that day. Hope you make it to the Supah Clinic this weekend as I am attending. Keep up the good work, much appreciated. Aloha and Mahalo.

  5. Evan Leong 5evan

    todd – Thanks for doing this with us. Everyone appreciated it. What a fun time. Maybe we can do one with some of the people that visit this site. What do you think?

    Phil – Thanks for your comments. The Vortice XP was great for that day although it definitely works better when Todd is coaching us at the same time. I think Todd is at the next Supah Clinic but not sure if I can make it. If I do, I’ll see you there.

    All – Anyone interested?

  6. Phil 6Phil

    I definitely would be interested in tagging along on your instructional video shoots, pen me in. Mahalo & Aloha

  7. Scott 7Scott

    Hey Evan
    Like I said before, these videos you have posted are by far the most informative out there. This pocket coaching series along with the videos you posted of Todd off Waikiki teaching you the proper stroke for distance paddling have really gotten me off to a good start. I have not found anything close to it out in youtube land. I too am in the S.U.P.A.H clinic and am looking forward to meeting and learning from Todd this Sunday. Thanks again Evan. I would also be very interested in being a part of the next instructional shoot. Keep me in mind. Maybe I’ll see you this Sunday at the SUPAH clinic ??

    Thanks again Evan


  8. Weston 8Weston

    Evan,I would love to be apart of this!! I’m new to SUP about a year now and would love to learn all that I can and improve on the open ocean. I currently ride an F-16 that worked me over the first few times i’ve ridden it(lol) so any help would be fantastic. Aloha


  9. Evan Leong 9evan

    Scott – Thanks for your comments. I’ll keep you posted and do my best to make it to the SUPAH clinic this Sunday. Anyone else going?

    Weston – Ok. You should also attend the SUPAH clinic on Sunday if you can. It will be especially important for those just starting to do downwinders.

  10. JustPaddle 10JustPaddle

    Hey Evan,

    I posted a comment on your facebook website but maybe you didn’t get it. What’s the yellow edging on Todd Bradley’s XPR?


  11. JustPaddle 11JustPaddle

    Forget another question I wanted to ask. Do you know if there is a big difference between the XPR and the new kevlar dynel paddle?

  12. Evan Leong 12evan

    JustPaddle – Sorry about the facebook comment. I must have missed it. The yellow edging is electric tape. I put it on there in case it bangs the rails or hits something it has a little bit of protection. There is a pretty big difference between the XPR and kevlar dynel paddle. The XPR is a very thin kevlar blade designed for racing and has a flexible tip. The shaft is carbon. The dynel one has a longer, higher aspect shape for the blade with the dynel for the bottom portion which makes the blade very stiff and strong. The dynel blade will be tougher, especially in river SUP where the paddle is used to push off rocks.

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