S.I.C. Bullet 17′4″ and S.I.C. F-16 V2 Comparison



After spending some time training and going on a few downwind runs with the S.I.C. Bullet 17′4″, I decided to shoot this video and share my thoughts on how the Bullet compares with the S.I.C. F-16 V2. Mark Raaphorst covered some of this in the video we shot with the Bullet earlier. I thought a visual where you can see the differences with the boards side by side would be helpful.

(click thumbnail to launch video)

The video has a detailed overview so I’ll make a short list here for those that are deciding between these two boards.

Bullet 17′4″
Planing hull shape with lower rocker and round edges
Thicker than F-16 v2 (v2)
Takes more muscle to get moving than v2
Has longer following glide than v2
Less stable than v2
Better in wider troughs and smaller bumps than v2
Faster overall average speed in sub 20 mph winds
Less agile than v2

F-16 v2 16′
Planing hull with sharp edges
Surfs better than Bullet
More fun in 20+ mph winds than Bullet
More stable than Bullet
Lighter than Bullet
Less effort than Bullet to get up to speed
Easier to catch bumps when wind is at least 15 mph
Lower price

Both of these designs are made for catching bumps in open ocean conditions. For flat water and touring I’d go with the F-18, X-14 or S-16 Standamaran.

When it’s windy (20+ mph), I prefer the v2 because it’s more fun and allows more surfing. It also handles closer troughs and bigger bumps better. The v2 catches bumps with ease and little effort. In winds between 10 – 20 mph, I prefer the Bullet because it has a longer following glide and allows for longer connections between bumps. Both of these work well on our Hawaii Kai run.

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15 Responses to “S.I.C. Bullet 17′4″ and S.I.C. F-16 V2 Comparison”

  1. Fred Hyun 1Fred Hyun

    Thanks Evan, really good information.

  2. Harns 2Harns

    nice hd video

  3. Pureadrenalin 3Pureadrenalin

    Evan is the Bullet the demo for Oahu? Really want to demo one before I lay down the 3400.00. Please lmk. Aloha

  4. Weston 4Weston

    My expirence with the Bullet has been Awesome!!! Ive been riding it in all wind conditions over here on Maui from 5mph to 30 plus and it has made me smile no matter what conditions Ive paddled in. Once this board starts going it doesn’t stop it glides and glides. I liken it to a runaway freight train but only on water..Awesome Board by SIC one of Their Best!!!

  5. Evan Leong 5evan

    PA – I’m not aware of a demo on Oahu. Your best bet is to contact Mark or Karen at SIC.

    Weston – I agree.

  6. Jimmy 6Jimmy


    Greatly appreciate this latest post. How would you say the construction on the Bullet compares to the V2? E.g., do you think one is definitely more sturdy than the other? Reason I ask, I know that the V2 is built via the autoclave process and should be fairly durable. Conversely, the Bullet (I believe) is vacuum bagged without the autoclave process. I had an original molded V1 and it seemed to get ’soft’ in some spots after about a year. I was a bit disappointed (sold it for a shaped 16), and now, perhaps wrongly, assume the V2 would have greater longevity. Appreciate any insight. Thanks.

  7. Evan Leong 7evan

    Jimmy – So far the Bullet seems pretty durable and stiff. I haven’t found any soft areas like on the older V1’s.

  8. Sand Sock Girl 8Sand Sock Girl

    Looking pretty!! Those boards are spectacular!

  9. Tom 9Tom

    Would love to see a side by side detailed comparison with the SIC Bullet and F18. Any chance of that?

  10. Evan Leong 10evan

    Tom – If you’re referring to the displacement bottom F-18, the Bullet 17′4″ is way different. The B17 is kinda between a F-16 and F-18 in that it has more of a planing type hull (like f-16) and lower rocker (like F-18). B17 is much more stable than F-18, especially in bumps. It turns better and has less of a learning curve. In flat water the F-18 may glide better but if I had to choose between the F-18 and B17, I’d choose the B17.

  11. RobS 11RobS

    I had the F-16 V2 and now use the 17′4″ Bullet. I really liked the F-16 but the Bullet is the fastest board in almost any conditions, as long as there is a little wind it just goes. Both boards are lots of fun in downwinders.

    If you are serious about buying a Bullet, I will let you rent my personal board and you can apply the fee towards the purchase. Please contact me at Blue Planet Surf Shop if you are interested.
    Robert Stehlik- 596 7755

  12. Ryan 12Ryan

    I bought a Bullet & the only thing I have a problem with is the hull volume. I find that the board can’t float me & the board is constantly under water when I try & paddle it.

  13. Evan Leong 13evan

    Ryan – How much do you weigh? I’ve seen guys that weigh 250 lbs on the Bullet 17 with no problem.

  14. Ron 14Ron

    Did you buy a custom handmade one (hollow core) or the prefabricated one (solid styrofoam core)?

  15. Ron 15Ron

    Ryan – handmade hollow core or stryofoam solid core? I likes the lower riding solid core board – it was more stable – but it did tend to take a dip in the bump…

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