2010 Cline Mann Memorial Paddleboard Race



Here are some pictures I took from 2010 Cline Mann Race which was held a while back. This race was during the 6 man canoe regatta season which I participated in…kinda. I got sick a few weeks into the season and was laid out for a couple weeks. I was out of the water for almost a month. I only paddled in the first and last race of the season. I wish I could have been strong for the whole season.

I blame the Ala Wai Canal. Everytime I paddled there, I ended up getting sick. That will most likely keep me from doing it again if I have to paddle in the Ala Wai. Call me a wimp but I’d rather be a wimp without Staph infections or a 6th toe. Lol. This is the cold that kept me from paddling in the Hawaii Battle of the Paddle. This is my lame excuse for my sad performance in the Cline Mann race.

Anyway, back to the post. The race conditions were not ideal. The wind was light and I can’t remember the tide but I can remember that by the time I reached Kahala (around 1/3 of 8.5 mile course) I was dead tired. That is a bad sign. I made it to the finish line but there was one point where I was following and could not catch a friend of mine whose paddle was barely 1/2 way in the water. At that point my spirit was shot. It was just about finishing from there. I haven’t been that fatigued on a Hawaii Kai run in quite a while.

On a positive note, the race was still fun because of the great people involved and the lunch was great. It’s always nice to finish at the Outrigger Canoe Club with an easy sandy beach exit, easy wash off area and warm showers. Here are some pictures I got with my iphone 3gs, before it got waterlogged and died.

Simon Dodd and crew came in from Australia to participate. It was great to meet him and his crew in person.

2010-cline-mann-memorial-paddleboard-race-01 Simon Dodd and crew

2010-cline-mann-memorial-paddleboard-race-03 Unlimited Boards

Scott Gamble won this race, as usual in excellent form and without breaking a sweat. The only time I saw him was at the start line when I checked out his new board.

2010-cline-mann-memorial-paddleboard-race-05 Scott Gamble’s new Bark 18′

2010-cline-mann-memorial-paddleboard-race-06 Picnic time

Here are some of the racers:





This was Andrew Yani’s first time on a racing SUP and first time racing. He did exceptionally well.

2010-cline-mann-memorial-paddleboard-race-11 Andrew Yani

Is this how Kainoa Beaupre applies sunscreen? No comment…

2010-cline-mann-memorial-paddleboard-race-12 Andrew Yani, Kainoa Beaupre and Doug Lock

2010-cline-mann-memorial-paddleboard-race-13 Doug Lock with his S.I.C. race board

2010-cline-mann-memorial-paddleboard-race-14 Check in table

2010-cline-mann-memorial-paddleboard-race-15 9 boards + 1 truck = impressive

2010-cline-mann-memorial-paddleboard-race-16 Fuzzy and his Starboard Surf Race 12′6″

2010-cline-mann-memorial-paddleboard-race-17 Freestyle practice

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